Monday, May 16, 2011

Playoff Time

It's playoff first playoff season without you.
I thought about you all day yesterday...
  • the blueberry shakes we used to make together
  • the Pens games we got excited about
  • the SSMB (brawl) games you always dominated
    • yes, even as Yoshi
  • reading aloud to you
  • singing old timey songs on the projector (but never country)
  • listening to Linger
  • chattering away to your listening ear
  • watching J kiss your smiling face
You're exceptional in so many ways, I can't even count them. And I can count pretty high, because of the stacks of beans I count all day. Seems like there is no problem you couldn't solve, except the problem of cancer. And you gave the crab a pretty good run for its money. Quietly impressive, is how I would describe you. No flash, no bling, just steady as a rock.

Love you, miss you. 

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