Sunday, March 23, 2014


On the day that I bought my couch (yes! I did finally find one that is uber comfy), something really unfortunate happened. I was on my way home, and feeling really good about life, when something not so nice happened. A squirrel darted in front of my car and I squished it. At first I thought either I had gone too fast or it had been too slow, and it was safe, but that was not the case. I looked at it in the rear view mirror. I was sad! I hadn't done it on purpose! Ending a life, even a squirrelly one, on accident, was not in the plan for that day.

I hoped that its family would be ok, and that it would had a quick death and did not feel the pain. In almost 15 years of driving, this is the first time something like this has happened to me. I hoped the cars behind me would be able to navigate around it. I was really just sad and felt sticky. "But it was an accident!" I thought. Accidents happen, but the consequences really just aren't good anyway. But at least they aren't on purpose. Then I would feel so much worse!!! I'm glad I don't have that kind of personality.

Then the voting part of me wondered if the city had a squirrel or other patrol to take care of the poor little remains. I hoped so...didn't want the indignity to last any longer than it had to.

Goodbye, squirrel. I did not mean you harm. I hope you are in squirrel heaven...with a tree full of nuts and some other squirrels to squeak with.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

No Outlet

1. Electrical: It's really frustrating when you go somewhere, say, a hotel room, and there isn't an electrical outlet in a convenient place, so you can both look at your phone and charge it at the same time. Or if there's a bathroom that doesn't have an electrical socket.
2. Verbal: Sometimes your brain just gets too full of stuff so it has to overflow, and sometimes it does by what is known in Mean Girls  as "word vomit." It just bubbles up. Uncontrollably. You can't stop yourself from saying something even if it's terrible horrible and/or inappropriate. Finding ways to stem the verbal tide before you turn into that one lady villain in that one folk tale is really important.
3. Physical: Being able to move and wear yourself out physically so you are tired and want to go to bed is genius. Having a way to use your energy so you don't have to keep all the stress bottled up inside of you definitely counts as an outlet.

I have enough electrical outlets in my life right now. And I am grateful that I have some verbal outlets, too...but right now, because I had an ankle wrench, I don't have a physical outlet. I'm pretty much a boring blah on the couch. I really don't like it at all. Especially when I have a lot of stress built up and I literally feel the need to go *do* something. Anything, just to make my body as tired as my mind is. Keep in mind, I'm really not one to go to the gym, and I'm naturally a pretty sedentary person. All of my hobbies are indoor and fairly stationary: reading, quilting, guitaring, writing, even gaming. Cooking, too. So when I feel the need to go wandering, it's pretty bad. But because of my ankle, I can't exercise. It makes me feel jittery to sit around inside with comparatively so much more physical energy than emotional energy. Not having an outlet for the physical needs I have is really frustrating, and I'm not sure I can take it for much longer. I hope my monkey-wrenched ankle heals soon so I can be walking, not hobbling, soon.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mike Teavee wants couch privileges

I bought a TV yesterday. And a laptop. It wasn't my first time buying a laptop, but it was my first time buying a tv. I don't know how I survived. Normally I am a basket case when I need to buy anything over $100. My brain just goes into shorted fritzed fried frizzled mode and I can't really function and it's difficult for me to actually "pull the trigger." Just ask K, who actually had to leave me at the car dealership so I would buy a car.

It's probably more TV than I need, but I got it on a very good deal and it was actually cheaper than the one I actually wanted, and even bigger, too. (!) I am now the owner of a 50" television. 3D glasses came with it. I'll never use them; they'll make me sick.

I tried to buy a couch, too, but I just couldn't find one that was comfy. If any of you have suggestions, please let me know. It turns out when you only have one couch, it needs to do a lot of different kinds of things. It needs to be tall enough to rest your head on, wide enough and long enough that you can lay down on it, have a comfy arm for sleeping on, be wide enough that you can fold your legs without feeling like you'll fall off, and be a good color. And it has to have no plastic cup holders. Because plastic cup holders imply that a cup will be used on the couch on a regular basis, which I don't really like the idea of. So, do I recline, or do I not recline? I find that usually if i have a recliner, if there's room, I usually end up spreading sideways anyway. So maybe that's not so important. Unless there's more than 2 people sitting on the couch, in which case that is important. I don't have people over often, so that situation likely won't come up often.

Couch shopping is hard work. :(

So yes, I have a TV, and yes, I want to buy a comfy couch privilege, but no, I do not want to be minimized into a three inch tall person like Mike. Oh, Charlie and the Chocolate I love you. So many life lessons learned from one book. But that's another post for another day.

Good Monday to all, and Good Night!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fresh Sheet Ode

oh, sweet-smelling, static-filled, still-warm sheets!
the moment after the dryer has announced in audible fashion it's through with you,
indicating that the only thing standing between me and you
is a closed door and the lint trap crying to be emptied before the next load
is the springboard into bliss.

You are worth a two-handed grab out of the dryer.
Our weekly ritual of determining long-side/short-side is soothing.
Sometimes you wrinkle. I guess everybody has bad wash days.
When you try to eat socks, I am dismayed: I think you should leave that to the UndieSock gnome.
The worst is when I have to put you back in because you're still wet.

But after you're dry, wrinkly or not, after I've wrestled your fourth corner to its proper place,
I still love the snap of the top sheet as I flick my wrists, watching you drift down atop the mattress.
You like to be mitered, but you don't like to stay that way.
You'd rather be soft than crisp, because you like to please me.
And when the quilts go on top of you, you carry their weight with pride. :)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rock On, Goldilocks

Hey kid, rock and roll / Rock on, ooh, my soul
Hey kid, boogey too, did ya / Hey shout, summertime blues
Jump up and down in them blue suede shoes
Hey kid, rock and roll, rock on

And where do we go from here / Which is the way that's clear

Still looking for that blue jean, baby queen / Prettiest girl I ever seen See her shake on the movie screen, Jimmy Dean / James Dean


-"Rock On," David Essex, 1973

Sometimes I hear that song on the radio. The only lines I know are the bridge, the endless "rock on" litany at the end of the song, and the two lines I've bolded. For some irrational reason, this song has always made me want to have a pair of blue suede shoes to jump up and down in. And so for some irrational reason,when I had a gift card I needed to use up, and I found these blue jean baby queens on the almighty Amazon, I could not resist.

I have considered buying frivolous shoes before. Once, I even came very close. I was in high school and for some reason I wanted a pair of 4" high silver shoes that were basically only held on to my feet by a band of clear plastic over my toes. I really wanted those shoes, but my practicality won out. I have to say, I'm kind of glad, as they really weren't "me" and as you can really only buy one pair of absolutely frivol shoes in your lifetime, I'm really glad I didn't waste mine on that.

These are much, much better. Heels just the right height, toes with just the right amount of point, suede that's just the right color of blue. It's like I was Goldilocks, but instead of eating porridge, I was searching for just the right shoes. (Anyone who has been shoe shopping with me knows that sometimes there aren't just three bears in the's more like six or seven, with lots of side trips and suitable distractions thrown in for good measure.)

Having found the perfect fit, I waited impatiently for them to arrive, and as soon as they did, I slipped them on, and did, indeed, jump up and down in them, and had a dance party.

For those interested, neither David Essex nor Jimmy Dean attended.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


This Is Not A Cubicle

The literal-mindedness of the artist is captured through the realistic shape depicted. The dynamic layers within the piece show that a cube is perhaps not as simple as something with six sides. Indeed, the shape shown does, in fact, not meet the specifications to be a cube, which lends a sense of whimsy to the piece, and serves to underscore the title.

I make myself laugh. Sisters who say I do not have a sense of humor, I respectfully disagree.