Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Cloudy, my thoughts are grey and white and cloudy
they seem to wander all around, you'll see

and distractions, they're all around
in a plethora abound
and my mem'ry's like a child's...
I abandoned concentration; is "fuzzy" valid style?

Cloudy, my thoughts are scattered and they're cloudy
They have no borders, no boundaries

They echo and they swell
From groceries to "what's that smell?"
like chasing rabbits down a well
it seems like all the jokes are new and sassy fits the bill

Hey sunshine, I haven't seen you in a long time
Why don't you show your face and bend my mind?

All questions now I find
I just leave them all behind
And let myself unwind
They don't know where they are going, and, my friend, neither do I

Cloudy, cloudy
Cloudy, cloudy
Cloudy, cloudy
This is a partial parody. I used some of their lyrics. They're just too good.
Ninety-nine percent of the people who read this blog know that recently I sustained a "mild" concussion. Ha. It doesn't feel mild. 
I already was convinced that, due to other things in my life, that "Cloudy" is really the perfect, absolute perfect, song to describe my life (with the exception of the first verse). 
This parody isn't my finest work, but I felt that I had to try, since it just seemed so fitting that with all the concentration problems I have had, this song keeps popping into my mind. 

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