Wednesday, August 21, 2019

sometimes the weather...

It's summer in the PNW. It's my favorite time of year, because although it's sunny, it's not too hot, and it rains just often enough to keep things green (in a good year).

Sometimes the rain feels like a blessed break from all the sunshine and I relish watching the fat drops falling in sheets on the surface of the pond and feel satisfaction and peace in life.

Today is not one of those days.

Today, the rain matches the mood in the house: the realization that summer, while not over, is definitely on the way out; the reconciliation of having to go back to school and all the feelings that go with it; the disappointment that responsibility never really goes away; the overwhelming urge to shout "IT IS TOO MUCH!" from the rooftops because there is no possible way to get everything done that needs to be done in this day completed...need I go on? I know you have had days like this, too - enough of them to feel sympathy.

Tomorrow, the whether/weatherman says it will be hot again. I am hoping for less rainy feelings and that the warmth of peace becomes the weather reality in our home.

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