Monday, December 8, 2008

All I want for Christmas is...

not my two front teeth. I mean, I'm grateful I have them and all, but since I already have a set, I don't need another. That would be....awkward.

So here's what I want. Rather, these are the things that I will not be getting for Christmas this year, but that I want anyway. These are not in the order I most want them, for privacy purposes. (HAHA. Since most of you reading this would know exactly how to rank them for me anyway.)

1. Super awesome recording equipment.
2. DSLR from Canon. The Rebel XSi looks pretty good to me.
3. Guitar with a plugin, with an amp to match.
4. Boyfriend. Might seem lame-o to actually put this on a Christmas list, but oh well. I've been known to do lame, potentially embarrassing things before. I've turned out okay anyway.
4. Nintendo DS Lite with Mario Bros. game and Brain Age.
5. No more accounting!
6. New job. Preferably in Utah or Seattle or San Francisco. Since this is a wish list, pay should be >$70K/year, 40 hrs/week, with 4+ weeks vacation. Unreal expectations, yes, I know...
7. Real furniture. None of this twin-bed-without-a-real-bedframe-put-on-risers-so-it's-three-feet-tall-and-wobbly garbage. Or the fakey "desk" I've got.
8. Someone to go to Italy and Britain with.
9. Vacation days enough to visit above countries.
10. For it to feel like Christmas in LA.

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