Sunday, December 14, 2008

The [Pear] Story

All of these lines across my face/ tell you the story of who I am / so many stories of where I've been / and how I got to where I am...but these stories don't mean anything if you've got no on to tell them to / it's true. I was made for you!
- brandi carlisle

Here are three pears: from L-R, Pear 1, 2, and 3. This is their story:
Pear 1 is happy, calm, and confident; flies under the radar; is a little on the stocky side, and is the perfect ripeness.
Pear 2 is average in most respects, but has gorgeous coloring. Look at that smooth butter yellow next to the blush. Wow, what a knockout.
Pear 3 is on the athletic side, not quite ripe yet--you can see he's got some grainy issues just from his skin. But maybe he'll grow into a handsome looking/tasting peach someday. He's had a rough life: look at those battle scars from previous relationships.

Pear 2 likes Pear 1. See how she's leaning in, her stem curled a little in anticipation, the blush burning up her face? Look at her sticker. If stickers were mouths, Pear 1 better make up his mind right now about whether he's going to turn away or not! Shameless hussy!

Pear 3 likes Pear 2, and is trying to sidle up to her (! personal space issues, if I were Pear 2!) His poor little stem is hopelessly bent toward Pear 2, as if he's looking for any little hint or speck of a spark that might bring her to him. If he had feet he'd be shuffling them uncomfortably and looking at her constantly, but as soon as she looks in his direction, he pretends to be fascinated by some speck on the wall to his immediate right. Pear 3 is young and has been hurt a great many times before, leaving gash marks which have not, and never will heal. But he has not given up hope on the female pear population just yet. However, he's gotten the process a little out of order in his head and has moved close but has not turned to look at her (look at that sticker position! how will he ever get the girl doing that, I wonder?) to see if she is interested in reciprocating.

Pear 1 is not oblivious to Pear 2's overtures; however, he is not sure that he wants any part of being part of a pear pair. See how his stem is straight up? In his mind he's going straight forward, without regard for Pear 2 or any other beauty who might cross his path. But his head (literally) is being turned...look at that sticker. Tsk, tsk.

So, how did the story end? I can only tell you that all three ended up in my stomach, and that no matter how hard I tried to get Pear 2 to take a look at Pear 3, she would not do it. Her natural inclination is to lean toward Pear 1. Pear 1, did you cherish her? Hm...I wonder. Pear 2, stop being such a flirt! Pear 3, hope you made something happen in the interim between when the photo was taken and when y'all got eaten, because if not, you ended up sad and lonely.


Sealion II said...

Tee hee! Alas for pear romance cut short by a ravening EMMELO!

Rhino said...

I ate all their mothers' shriveled bodies last night. O divine candies!

Suzy Riddle said...

You are so cute Linda.

Matthew said...

Okay.... after that brutal reminder of why I hated dating... :) Funny! By the way, I'm shortening EmEllO in my world to Mello. It also fits you, doncha think?