Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Closer I Am To Fine

this is me
feeling like my heart's in a blender
watching the sun set on a midwinter day
attempting to fit life's pieces in a puzzle box.

I'll get there, one day. Closer to fine. I just have a lot of things to figure out between now and then. Every decision I make today impacts decisions down the line. Many little decisions add up to big decisions over a few years. I want this year's decisions be decisive. I want to act, not dither. I want to be bold and ask for what I want. I'm going to act to deserve what I ask for. And when I get it, I'm going to accept it and be grateful. And that will bring me...closer to fine.

1 comment:

Jnuck said...

I LOVE INDIGO GIRLS! (I'm assuming that's your reference in the title, right?) Those women can teach us so much truth.