Saturday, June 15, 2013

Life is Like a Drama

So, I started watching a T-drama last night. It's one that I've seen that was the perfect medicine for me during a hard time in my life. Since I've kind of been struggling for the last couple of weeks, I thought it might be fun to revisit it.

Some of the episodes are hilarious. Others are so painfully cheesy that I just want to gag. The swelling of the mournful music as the lame ex-girlfriend (or girl who wants the guy but clearly isn't going to get him), and the happy, upbeat theme songs...there are many things to like in dramas; also many things that will make you want to roll your eyes.

But this drama has had a lot of nuggets in it.

There's a guy who's a lawyer (has his own hotshot firm at 32ish) and he's had a long relationship with an actress who has insisted on keeping their relationship under the table. He meets a girl we'll call Adorabella who is a 10 in personality but not quite the brightest kid in the class, but of course she is hard-working and diligent and loyal and adorable. Long story short, Hotshot realizes that he doesn't want to be with someone who shoves him under the couch whenever company is over, so he breaks up with her, saying that a few hours of happiness doesn't make up for months and years of loneliness. As Chris Titus would say, you don't get a rebate on life, so you shouldn't stick with someone who's always belittling you or who isn't fully supporting you in a relationship.

Of course, Adorabella is full of insights into people, so she is always noticing when people are angry or happy, how they're dealing with problems, and how they take their coffee. So how she gets to be so unobservant that she doesn't realize Hotshot is into her, I will never know. But Hotshot's best friend, who used to like the actress, likes Adorabella, but uses her to get back at Hotshot by pretending they're in a relationship. Adorabella likes the best friend, but she feels caught in a lie and eventually everything becomes clear and it comes out that Hotshot's friend was using her because he secretly still liked the actress and he wanted her to be happy, so he was using Adorabella so that Hotshot would realize she was taken and that he should go back to the actress. Not going to happen, since the actress is annoyingly petulant and almost stalkerish, which you think she would know to avoid since she is a big-time celebrity and has people following her all the time.


Don't be with people who don't appreciate you.
Don't pretend to like someone because the person you really like is longing for someone and you want them to be happy so you bend over backward trying to make something that isn't going to happen, happen.
Just don't do stuff that will make you miserable.
Don't do stuff because you think it will make someone else happy, but makes you miserable in the meantime. ASK, for heaven's sake!
Be yourself. 

End of story, but not end of drama.

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