Monday, October 13, 2014

Fancy Amaryllis

There's a song that's been going around the radio waves that I really don't like. The problem is that it's very catchy. The lyrics don't really make sense all the time, and when they do, you wish they didn't.

For the longest time, I thought the first line of the song was "First things, first, Amaryllis." Like the singer was addressing her friend, whose parents were flowery and also maybe not very nice because they named their child Amaryllis.

Turns out, she's saying, "First things first, I'm a realist."

I was really disappointed when I found that out.

Just like I was really glad when I found out the lyrics to "All About that Bass" were really "no treble" instead of "no trouble" like she makes it sound on the recording.

*cough* Anyway.

I was talking with my sister about growing garlic the other day. I really want to grow it because I use it and because I'm trying to grow things I eat and be a little more self-sufficient in that way. I have very limited space with which to experiment, so I have to be kinda careful, but I'm really hoping that this winter's garlic experiment will turn out to be a rousing success.

I checked out a few different books about different kinds of garlic, when to plant, what they look like, etc. And that's when I found out that garlic and amaryllis are actually in the same family. Who knew that something so beautiful and something so smelly were so closely related?

I love garlic and I've always had a special spot in my heart for amaryllis, so I was pleasantly surprised to learn of their shared genetic traits.

I'm probably the last person to figure this out, but the point is the journey, right? Now I'll never forget!

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