Wednesday, May 11, 2016

flowers and boys

So, before I write this post, I have some pertinent information: as of April, I have two sons. Technically, they are my "stepsons," but I don't like the distinction - I think it's lame and potentially very hurtful, particularly in the situation I am in. I am their parent, so I call them my sons, and leave out the "step."

The older one is responsive, such a good dancer, a great hugger, loves to make people laugh, and loves quality time. He is laid back (in many ways), very emotional, and does not like a surfeit of corny jokes (particularly about corn) . He can be very in tune with the emotions of other people, and worries a lot about hurting their feelings. He is very sensitive and loving -- he has what my mom would call a "tender heart."

The younger one jumps on people in excitement, is nearly professional "meow"-er, and loves to hug and be hugged. He is very direct and is, in some ways, like his brother in that he is more emotionally intelligent than many adults I know -- but how they act on their intelligence is completely different.

They are both so affectionate -- I love getting hugs from each of them. Nighttime snuggles are also really hard to beat. We have such a good time, Dad always has to come and separate us. (Oops.)

Every day this week, my younger son has picked a yellow flower for me. When it is time to get the mail, he hops out of the car (even if it's not his turn to get it) and bends down and picks a flower for me. He likes to put it in my hair, behind my ear. I wear them there until they fall out or until his dad gently disentangles the wilted (often mutilated) petals from my tresses. My son never tires of it. He told me he would pick me a flower every day until there were no more flowers. He also picks flowers for me when we go to the park -- white flowers that look like mini-daisies are his favorite. (Mine, too.) Yellow is his favorite color.

I like yellow a lot better than I used to. His sunny face and the love in his eyes do a lot for me on days when I'm having a hard time. Sometimes his grumpy face can do a lot for me (the other way), too, but overall, we are really enjoying each other.

It has occurred to me that, because of what I know of him and his dad, flowers are really not just for girls. Flowers are also for boys. And they should get flowers sometimes, too -- and not just to give them to girls later!

My older son has such a way of smiling -- when he is happy, he can light up an entire room. His hugs are so sweet and loving, and I love watching him play outside. He almost always has a stick in his hand and is thrusting and parrying with some unseen foe (or perhaps it is a friend). He has a great way of defusing intense situations, and deflecting attention away from negative things.

I love my boys. I love the flowers in my hair. I love the hugs.

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