Thursday, May 22, 2014

one letter

A bit ago, I posted about one line. Now, I'm posting about one letter.

Throughout the day, I spend a lot of time reading. It's part of my job and it's part of my fun. I read fb posts and legal documents and lame yahoo articles and sports scores and classics and cream puffs and nonfiction. I read price signs and traffic signs and bills and emails.

Just one letter can make a difference.

For example, today alone, I found the following one letter errors:

Pubic affairs meeting, tonight, 7pm.
Deprecation totaled $9,285,332 for the year 2013.
Here we are with some of our closet friends. Only the Huberts were missing!
For sale: trinkets, clothing, and housewars.


Letters do matter. Just one can make a whole sentence just sound awful, or bring the hilarity factor to the table when it really doesn't need to be there.

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